Audi SQ5 Reprogramming
Jason Gibson
Reprogramming Case Study
One of TDI-Tuning’s favourite customers was back in contact recently for another reprogramming of his CRTD4. Now on his 4th high performance German vehicle tuned by TDI-Tuning he’s taking advantage of our free fitting service which is available to all customers.
Jason and many customers like him bring their new cars straight to TDI-Tuning. The CRTD4 refines engine performance meaning there’s no risk installing one onto a vehicle fresh off the production line. With significant extra performance being safely unlocked from the engine with no excess wear it’s no surprise we get car enthusiasts bringing their new cars straight to us.
The reprogramming service for Jason’s vehicle came in at a touch over £100. This is a huge saving vs buying a new tuning box or getting a remap. The reprogramming service includes a tuning box health check, new harness, and all new custom software. As the customer was in the Essex area we also fitted it for free – the systems are an easy plug & play install but we love having customers in to get some photos of their vehicles.
Performance Figures After Tuning:
Power gains based on CRTD4 Multi Channel Tuning Box
With the CRTD4 Mutli Channel tuning system installed we were able to increase the power of this SQ5 from 349HP to 405HP

Tuning for New Cars
The CRTD4 tuning box is designed and built in the UK by a small team of engineers with a passion for tuning. The system is ideal for tuning vehicles on lease or PCP deals as once it is removed the vehicle returns to stock condition.
A CRTD4 tuning box case is tough enough to withstand a small car driving over it and the connectors are all Original Equipment Manufacturer standards. Build quality is important as the custom software has to be safely housed and allowed to communicate as quickly as possible to optimise vehicle performance.
TDI-Tuning’s loyal customer base is built on a history of high quality products and friendly customer service. In an industry that has its fair share of controversy it’s crucial to us that there’s always a TDI-Tuning employee ready to go the extra mile for your car. It’s for these reasons that Jason and customers like him keep coming back to the TDI-Tuning brand.